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posted by AlexanderBeetle on Jun 21, 3:22 PM
I tried to post on the forum from my tablet, but got an error message.
"Fatal error: [removed]"
"Fatal error: [removed]"
Edited by Douglas, Apr 21, 2016
posted by AlexanderBeetle on Jun 21, 3:24 PM
And now, on my computer, my name is running into the text on this entry.
posted by AlexanderBeetle on Jun 21, 3:25 PM
posted by AlexanderBeetle on Jun 21, 3:32 PM
OK. I think the error message was because my tablet fell asleep and logged me out. But my name and post are still running together on my computer. But not on my tablet. However, when I hold the tablet vertically, I cannot see the whole text window without scrolling back and forth. I can force it to shrink, but the default is too wide.
posted by Douglas on Jun 21, 3:38 PM
Yep, I'm seeing the runon text issue for your name. Your tablet falling asleep might result in you not being able to post, but it shouldn't have caused a fatal crash error. I'll look into that as well.
posted by AlexanderBeetle on Jun 21, 5:41 PM
Could the error message be caused by the fact that I was trying to use both my computer and my tablet? I got the same error message again, except it ended in "on line 113" when I tried to post from my tablet after opening the site on my computer. I'm guessing that means I can't be logged in on both devices?
posted by Douglas on Jun 21, 5:42 PM
No, you should be able to be logged in on two devices; the login information is stored in cookies on your device, and the site never even knows what device you're coming from - just that you've got the right credentials stored in your cookies.
posted by AlexanderBeetle on Jun 21, 6:01 PM
Well, every time I log in to one device, it tells me 'not logged in' on the other, and won't let me view any forum posts on the device that is 'not logged in'. I can see the main forum page, but when I click on the links there, I get the error messages. This is happening on both devices.
posted by Douglas on Jun 21, 6:17 PM
Oh, I know what's happening. Whenever you go from the old site to the new one, it scrambles your credentials, so the previous ones no longer work. That's actually a bug that's strictly related to testing mode, and will go away once the site is live.
posted by AlexanderBeetle on Jun 22, 7:08 PM
Is there an issue with the time settings on the site? I just posted to another thread at 8:05, but it said it was posted at 7:05.
posted by Douglas on Jun 22, 7:18 PM
The server's not in your time zone. I haven't yet set up code to allow you to specify a time zone. :)
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