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1 2Douglas
posted by Douglas on Mar 18, 11:24 AM
(and very well explained, too!) :D
posted by Yoda on Apr 16, 5:42 PM
My player ratings did not show up:(
posted by Yoda on Apr 16, 5:42 PM
on trio match
posted by Douglas on Apr 17, 4:21 AM
Right now the games are set to show only ratings that are 1000 or above (the above average ratings). So if your rating is <1000, it won't show.
posted by Yoda on Apr 17, 8:07 AM
OK it was like 976 or something like that
posted by Yoda on Apr 21, 8:27 AM
When I got level three with the last brick the bonus bricks did not show up in the block box.
Windows 7 Firefox.
Windows 7 Firefox.
posted by dkh on Jun 1, 8:06 AM
Hello, Overall the new game works well. I have noticed that on some diagonal matches the game does not recognize the alignment and no points given. I will try to be more specific now that I have noticed this inconsistancy. I again thank you for your time and effort in creating and managing this game!
posted by Douglas on Jun 1, 8:32 AM
Thank you! Any details/patterns you can figure out will be a great help in diagnosing the problem!
posted by Douglas on Jun 18, 7:44 AM
Hi dkh - tackling the bugs in Trio Match is one of the things that's on my high priority list (actually, everything is high priority at this point! :D) so I was wondering if you had any more info about the bug you saw?
posted by Douglas on Jun 18, 11:12 AM
As a follow up question - it appears to me that the pattern is, if the diagonal starts in the left-hand column and rises from left to right, it does not get counted. Does that match what you've seen? Or have you seen other glitches on the diagonals?
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