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1 2dkh
posted by dkh on Mar 13, 7:21 PM
The redesign of Trio Match is awesome! This is my favorite game. I love that you made it more challenging. Thanks.
posted by Douglas on Mar 16, 5:57 AM
You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoy it. :D
posted by Yoda on Mar 16, 12:49 PM
I tried it. I got 9000 points or something like that and it did not show on the scores list. Is there a reason?
posted by Douglas on Mar 16, 5:36 PM
7700. Your score is recorded, but for some reason it's not on the list. Not sure why. Thanks!
posted by Douglas on Mar 17, 3:59 AM
Okay, that bug should be resolved now. Your score shows up on the board. Let me know if it happens again!
posted by Yoda on Mar 17, 7:31 AM
yes think you
posted by Luke on Mar 17, 8:48 AM
Trio Match does not appear to give the proper Rank Up message. it keeps saying that i will no longer see starts, even for rank up number 2 and 3.
posted by Luke on Mar 17, 9:53 AM
And since it won't let me edit the last one here is another post. It appears now that the green triangles are invisible. Also the wave 3 rank up message does work now. wave 4 shows the same one as wave 3 though.
posted by Douglas on Mar 17, 11:00 AM
"It appears now that the green triangles are invisible." Keep in mind that a good tester states exactly what he was doing at the time the error happened, and a detailed explanation of what happened.
Since you managed to get a score of 19600, I'm assuming the green triangles were not invisible for the entire game???
Since you managed to get a score of 19600, I'm assuming the green triangles were not invisible for the entire game???
posted by Douglas on Mar 17, 11:04 AM
Also, WHERE were they invisible? In the dropping area? or the preview area? both? This is the kind of information that is helpful in solving a problem.
posted by Luke on Mar 17, 11:15 AM
They were invisible in both places for 2 games. It started at the beginning of a game, went on for 2 games where everything else was normal. Than the third game I came and reported it, in another tab, and when I went back to the game, they were back and have not disappeared since.
I have been using Firefox on a windows 8.1 desktop.
I have been using Firefox on a windows 8.1 desktop.
posted by Douglas on Mar 17, 11:18 AM
Thank you. Unless someone else reports the same issue, I'm going to assume that it was a temporary glitch with your device not loading the image when it was called for.
posted by Yoda on Mar 17, 12:24 PM
I do not know if this helps. But I played a game and I had no green triangles. Next game I did.
posted by Douglas on Mar 17, 12:31 PM
are you guys playing on the same computer?
posted by Luke on Mar 17, 1:02 PM
No we are not. He is on Firefox on a windows 7 desktop.
posted by Douglas on Mar 17, 1:23 PM
okay, thanks. :)
posted by Yoda on Mar 17, 7:05 PM
I'll they Chrome.
posted by Luke on Mar 18, 8:33 AM
The other thing I have been noticing to do with not visible bricks, is that when I get some bricks for getting a bonus, when I got the bonus from the last brick that I had, the bricks would be invisible. I have only found this from getting bonus bricks with my last brick. The only way to reset this that i have found is to start a new game.
posted by Yoda on Mar 18, 9:03 AM
I have not had that problem. Could it be windows 8?
posted by Douglas on Mar 18, 11:24 AM
Luke, I've seen the same thing as well. That's on my list to fix. Thanks! :)
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