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posted by SmallFry on Mar 16, 4:55 PM
it take's a long time to load Cheater Hangman to a new game i find that annoying
posted by Douglas on Mar 16, 5:18 PM
The server had a period of time today when it was running kind of sluggish; could you try it again tomorrow and see if it behaves the same? Thanks!
posted by Yoda on Mar 16, 5:26 PM
Is fine now.
posted by SmallFry on Mar 21, 7:03 PM
on Cheater Hangman when you start a new game it draw's a line at the top of the game board without you guessing anything
posted by Douglas on Mar 22, 3:28 AM
Yes, that's correct. Both traditional hangman and the cheater game start with the drawing of the basic scaffold platform. That's a fairly standard way of starting the game. The old version started the same way.
posted by SmallFry on Mar 22, 10:08 AM
i hadn't noticed that
posted by Douglas on Mar 22, 2:26 PM
I imagine the reason you didn't notice it is because it wasn't animated, so it's easy to not notice that the platform is already drawn.
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