Welcome to the Puzzler Chat Community Forum! If you would like to post in this forum, you must be a site member who has completed at least 5 games or puzzles on the site. If you have not yet played our games, mosey on over to the "Games" menu at the top of the page and get started!
posted by Yoda on Apr 23, 5:56 PM
Is the player rating working
posted by Douglas on Apr 27, 5:19 AM
As far as I know it is - I haven't played enough games yet to get a rating (I need 3 more), and it looks like you've only played 1 game with the ratings enabled? So you need 4 more. Make sure you have "Use rating system" checked, and let me know if you still don't have a rating after 4 more games.
posted by Yoda on Apr 27, 7:42 AM
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