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posted by Douglas on Jun 19, 12:34 PM
Hi everyone, I wanted to let you all know that I've gone through the bug list for Trio Match and have fixed the bugs people have reported. Hopefully in the process I haven't introduced any new bugs. I would really appreciate it if those of you who play this game would give it a few tries and report in here whether you've noticed any new bugs, and also whether the old bugs are really gone now!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
posted by dkh on Jun 20, 2:57 PM
As of today, June 20, I cannot get my scores to update while playing on my MacBook Pro. Of course I restarted my Mac and logged in, but still the problem persisted. I switched to a PC and the game (Trio Match) worked fine with score updates. It seems like the website does not recognize that I am logged in when on the Mac. Also another issue I noticed is that Trio Match drops the shapes slower on the PC than the Mac. Since I noticed this I am able to get higher scores using the PC since I have more decision-making seconds in the final rounds. When I tried to enter a comment in the forum from the Mac, there was a statement that I had to be logged in to leave a comment (I though I was logged in) because in the upper right corner it says Hello, dkh. I'll try again tomorrow to use the Mac and update you on the result. Thank you for the maintenance on my favorite game!
posted by Douglas on Jun 20, 3:09 PM
Oh, yes! Because of the way I've set up the testing version of the site, logging in from one computer/browser will cause another computer/browser in which you were logged in to act funky. Sorry about that - that's an issue that will go away as soon as the new version is live.*
I was aware that the animations might not work as quickly on some computers as others, which was one of the reasons I seriously considered not making the tiles drop at all. I'm going to re-examine that issue, and see if I can come up with any ideas to fix that.
* If you want to get back to being *really* logged in on the mac, go back to the old version of the site and click through to the new one from there - it should log you in for real, but then you won't be "really" logged in on your PC.
Thanks again for your very valuable input!
I was aware that the animations might not work as quickly on some computers as others, which was one of the reasons I seriously considered not making the tiles drop at all. I'm going to re-examine that issue, and see if I can come up with any ideas to fix that.
* If you want to get back to being *really* logged in on the mac, go back to the old version of the site and click through to the new one from there - it should log you in for real, but then you won't be "really" logged in on your PC.
Thanks again for your very valuable input!
posted by Douglas on Jun 22, 11:34 AM
dkh - I would appreciate your opinion on this - do you think the dropping blocks make a significant change in game play? If I removed that feature, how much does it matter? I don't have an opinion of my own on this, since I never get that far in the game anyway!
I've had one other player say they think the game is just as good without dropping blocks.
I've had one other player say they think the game is just as good without dropping blocks.
posted by danerd50 on Jul 21, 1:18 AM
Yes Douglas I would think the game to be just as challenging with out the dropping blocks, because there are still some other glitches on the higher levels that keep occurring that are very distracting like a block that is stuck in the mid top center stays the same for the remainder of the game, which happened two days ago.
Also the blocks were over lapping each other at the bottom two rows by a half row which made it very difficult to process the diagonal formations. Also I notice that when leveling up from level 1 and level two that the other shapes have already be illuminated from the screen before the level up has even started... at least from the 10 blocks that I was able to see before level up occurred. I think it would be good to at least allow the ones still visible before level up, to still be able to have all shapes of the previous level still available, and only new visible blocks to be reduced in shape selection.
Also the blocks were over lapping each other at the bottom two rows by a half row which made it very difficult to process the diagonal formations. Also I notice that when leveling up from level 1 and level two that the other shapes have already be illuminated from the screen before the level up has even started... at least from the 10 blocks that I was able to see before level up occurred. I think it would be good to at least allow the ones still visible before level up, to still be able to have all shapes of the previous level still available, and only new visible blocks to be reduced in shape selection.
posted by Douglas on Jul 21, 3:39 AM
Hi danerd50 - I'm glad to hear more feedback from you! I was wondering if maybe you could explain a little bit more what you mean in the second paragraph about the change in levels and blocks being illuminated (first question - did you mean eliminated?) Are you saying that blocks which had already been displayed to you got changed to something else? A little more clarification would be great in diagnosing what the problem is.
Edited by Douglas, Jul 21, 2015
posted by danerd50 on Jul 21, 10:44 AM
Oh yes, eliminated from being randomly generated selection. No big deal! but 10 moves before "level up" is when the selection is actually being reduced, correct? Just wanting the most we can get out of the first two levels.
posted by danerd50 on Jul 21, 11:40 AM
What I'm thinking is it would seem only fair that all bonus block generated during level one should all have the equal chance of being any of that level's shapes selection.
posted by Douglas on Jul 21, 12:26 PM
Oh, I see what you're saying now. When you enter level two, you can already see the first 10 blocks of that level. While you're playing the last block of level one, the look ahead is actually showing you the first ten blocks of level two, which is why the extra shapes have already been eliminated. I don't think I'm going to change that, but I probably should put a note to that effect in the game instructions, in case it causes others confusion. Thank you for point that out!
As for the other idea, It seems to me that this is making the bonus blocks like "triple bonus" - they already have the bonus of extending your game play AND giving you bonus points if you make it to the end of the game - I don't think I want them to ALSO alter the game play. So for now I think I'm going to leave that part of the game alone. Thanks for the feedback! :)
As for the other idea, It seems to me that this is making the bonus blocks like "triple bonus" - they already have the bonus of extending your game play AND giving you bonus points if you make it to the end of the game - I don't think I want them to ALSO alter the game play. So for now I think I'm going to leave that part of the game alone. Thanks for the feedback! :)
Edited by Douglas, Jul 21, 2015
posted by danerd50 on Jul 28, 9:43 PM
Ok Douglas, I see your point on only having a set number of blocks for each level regardless of how many bonus blocks are earned during a level. The game seems to be fair in that way of looking at it. So as a simple tip to others trying to score higher points, it is most important to take as much advantage of the greater ease of ability to score multiple trios in the first 2 levels. The other thing I did not clearly understand in reading the instructions for the game is, how are extra bonus points determined for each additional trio made with a single dropping block, which I notice as usually 500 for each additional trio formed up to max ??? 2500 with the single block as long as color and shape are never the same. Is that correct? Because I had a 7 way once and thought it would have given 3000 bonus points.
posted by Douglas on Jul 29, 4:24 AM
danerd, depending on how long ago "once" was, you may have been the victim of another bug that dkh spotted for us, in which, if a trio was diagonal, rising to the left, against the right hand side (I think that was the condition) it didn't get counted as a trio.
That bug got fixed a month or so ago, so if your 7-way was longer ago than that, the bug may have accounted for you not getting the score you expected. If you are able to get another 7-way, and it doesn't score correctly, please let me know.
That bug got fixed a month or so ago, so if your 7-way was longer ago than that, the bug may have accounted for you not getting the score you expected. If you are able to get another 7-way, and it doesn't score correctly, please let me know.
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