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I'm sure there will be various glitches people notice as more people play games. Rather than putting them all in different threads, here's one place where you can post issues you notice.
In Word Funnel, if you play in single-level mode, or if you don't pass the first level, your correct/incorrect words don't show in the message box.
Bug mentioned above is now resolved.
A few other bugs (mostly related to the dailies) were reported and hopefully fixed.

1. Picture Word and Word Funnel Dailies were stuck in Groundhog's Day (repeating the same puzzle each day).
2. Telephone Game, Cross Search, and Word Grid were all missing from the Dailies
3. Word Grid had a glitch in Firefox which made it unplayable.
4. The "Show me instructions" checkbox on the Daily page was only working sporadically.

If you think any of these are NOT resolved, please let me know!
If you found it difficult to get yourself onto the rating list for Secret Number, the reason is that there was a glitch in the rating system for that game - thanks to one of our alert players for bringing that to our attention. Give it a try again and see if it seems to work right now.

(The glitch was that the rating was based on the number of guesses, rather than the score, which means that the better you did, the worse your rating got!)
In the game Fraction Hi-Lo, there seems to be an impossible fraction to be guessed. I've played a game where the fraction 1/9 was considered too high! Since only the numbers one through nine can be chosen, there's no possible solution. I've also ran into a fraction where 8/9 was too low on a zero-to-one rule.
Edited by Jajafe, Dec 10, 2016
Thank you jajafe. I had someone else report this recently as well. It's on the list to tackle. I'll let you know when it's resolved!
In the proofreading of pictures game:

The answer "me" is not accepted. Given that it should be a replacement of "me" with "I" then surely that is where the error is?
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