Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Most Popular Writings by Douglas
TrustChisel, Hammer, Stone
The Stable
Jake's Dark and Stormy Night of the Soul
Hope's Ugly Sister
Mankind Is Good, and Getting Better
Two Brothers and a Funeral
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue
Nick (The Boy with Half a Brain)
More writings listed chronologically
Time to SleepCry, My Little Toby
My Dream
Caraway and Thyme
Our Newborn
On the Moon
Amphibrachic and Trochaic
Limerick for Laura
The Wolf and the Poet
Framed by Writers
Ligneous Digs
Happy Anniversary!
Not Breech Anymore
Don't Be a Dodo
A Poem about My Favorite Poem
A New Kind of Zoo
The Vulture
Essense of Skunk
Hinkety Pinkety
Easter Fibonacci
Grab Bag Proverbs
Ant - A Poem
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