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1 2dkh
posted by dkh on Mar 13, 7:02 PM
I like the bigger squares on the new version.When I click on a square then if I "unclick" the square, it remained yellow (did not return to its original color). Love this game.thank you for upgrading/updating.
posted by Douglas on Mar 16, 5:55 AM
Okay, I'll take a look at the unclicking. Thanks!
posted by Douglas on Mar 16, 7:57 AM
What browser are you using? I tried a couple different browsers and couldn't duplicate this problem. Does it happen every time? Or just once?
posted by Yoda on Mar 16, 12:26 PM
I did. I clicked on the square then off the bored. It unselected the square but did not return to its original color.
posted by dkh on Mar 16, 12:46 PM
Thank you Douglas for updating the games! I really enjoy the bigger squares of Diamond Slide. Also the response is quicker.
posted by Douglas on Mar 16, 5:25 PM
Yoda, what do you mean by "off the board"? I still can't recreate this issue. What browser are you using?
posted by Yoda on Mar 16, 5:29 PM
Firefox. And there is a square out line I clicked out of the square.
posted by Douglas on Mar 16, 5:35 PM
If you click outside one of the squares, you shouldn't expect any change. I'm not sure what you're expecting to happen?
posted by Yoda on Mar 17, 7:30 AM
there is a box that has the diamond slide tiles in it and the high score if you click a tile and then click out side the box it unselects it but it stays yellow
posted by Douglas on Mar 17, 7:46 AM
anyone else seeing this behavior?
posted by dkh on Mar 27, 9:06 AM
When I am in current diamond slide and get invited to see the "new" version, the site doesn't always load correctly for play. It won't allow me to click on the "OK" after your blurb. I have to reload the site to get it to work. Actually not a problem for me, but newer users may think the site is not working. Thanks again for entertaining me daily!
posted by Douglas on Mar 28, 4:42 AM
Okay, thank you. I definitely don't want that to happen! I'll look into that. Thanks for the bug report. :)
posted by SmallFry on Mar 31, 4:13 PM
i just tried diamond slide and had the same problem at the top of the thread:(
posted by SmallFry on Mar 31, 4:17 PM
now i just clicked one and then clicked off the board and the color didn't change:(
posted by Douglas on Apr 1, 2:10 AM
You shouldn't expect anything to happen if you click outside the board. As for the other issue, I've still got that one on my list to look at. Thanks!
posted by Yoda on Apr 3, 11:15 AM
On one game I got 281. How is that possible?
posted by Douglas on Apr 3, 12:04 PM
It's not. There's a bug in the scoring (which exists on the old site as well) which I haven't figured out yet.
posted by Yoda on Apr 3, 12:47 PM
posted by Yoda on Apr 3, 12:55 PM
I got it again when I beat the high score.
posted by Yoda on Apr 3, 12:55 PM
If that helps
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