Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Most Popular Writings by Rabbit Stu
The Toast - A SonnetHello Spammer. Hello Scammer
Ode to a Toad
If Wishes Were Horses Then Beggars Would Ride
It Wasn't Me (Letter To Santa)
My Clever Christmas Scheme
A Miserable, Awful and Terrible Day
Timothy and Travis, the Troubled Teenage Tigers
A Chicken, a Dog, and a Cow
Entranced by Beauty Divine
More writings listed chronologically
That Toy Toting DeviantIt's Christmas Time in the City
It Wasn't Me (Letter To Santa)
My Clever Christmas Scheme
Today I Wish That I Was an Ant
Today I Wish That I Was a Moose
Mother Nature's Beauty Pageant
Beauty Lies Too Heavy
When I Grow Up
Ode to the Grainy Sweetness of Sugar
To Rhyme with Bad News
Papa Rabbit Loses His Job
Summer Is Always the Worst Time of the Year
Today I Wish That I Was a Duck.
A Miserable, Awful and Terrible Day
Haiku, Free Verse, and the Chaos of Nature
The World Comes Today to a Screeching Halt
What I Would Do, If I Was King of the World
Peepul Axe Me If I Liek Skool
Hikers Brave and Free
Round And Round I Spin
A Chicken, a Dog, and a Cow
Deus Ex Machina
Ode to a Toad
Spinach and Butterflies
Entranced by Beauty Divine
Chocolate Butterflies
Rabbit Stew, I Love You
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