Welcome to the Puzzler Chat Community Forum! If you would like to post in this forum, you must be a site member who has completed at least 5 games or puzzles on the site. If you have not yet played our games, mosey on over to the "Games" menu at the top of the page and get started!
1 2Please read the blog post in the news section about background images. Any comments/thoughts/ideas
Mar 31, 4:34 AM by Douglas
it take's a long time to load Cheater Hangman to a new game i find that annoying
Mar 22, 2:26 PM by Douglas
This is a test to make sure the forum is working after the updates to the site.
Jan 25, 3:13 AM by Douglas
I wasn't sure what to title this thread, but I find the banner ads to be annoyingly close to the 'ho
Jun 26, 4:23 AM by Douglas
What do you think of the multi-board play? Do you like it? Do you think there are ways to improve
Jun 23, 12:19 AM by AlexanderBeetle
Again, I am not sure this is a game we should be testing (i should really go back and read that ema
Jun 22, 7:19 PM by Douglas
I tried to post on the forum from my tablet, but got an error message.
"Fatal error
Jun 22, 7:18 PM by Douglas
It isn't really a bug, but more of an issue with how the game and my tablet work. When I am playing
Jun 22, 6:43 PM by AlexanderBeetle
As you may know, the old version of the site had two games titled Secret Number. The first one requ
Jun 22, 3:53 AM by Douglas
It would be nice to have a link to the definition of the word at the end of each round of Hangman. T
Jun 21, 3:39 PM by Douglas
I am not even sure this was a game we were supposed to test, but, i think previous and next
Jun 20, 12:11 PM by Douglas
The instructions say you can have 9 strikes but there are only 6 pink boxes.
Jun 11, 5:25 PM by Douglas
Many of the word games have a clickable alphabet array, which you use to make letter guesses. Games
Jun 5, 7:52 AM by Douglas
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