Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Most Popular Writings by wordsmith
Everybody Needs Somebody SometimesIf I Could
A Recipe For Useless Junk
If I Were President
Come With Me in the Night
As I Was Walking in the Park One Day
The Tale of Flynn and Lynn
Jack Frost
More writings listed chronologically
Letter To SantaThere's Nothing Like a Christmas Snow
The Story of Valentine Karki
Jack Frost Part Duex
Book Review: the Way of Sadows
Jack Frost
The father of invention
The Tale of Flynn and Lynn
A Recipe For Useless Junk
The Tale of Hannah and Anna
If I Were President
Blackie Bear and Johnny Crow
My Robin
The Airway Inn
All the Bunnies Bite and the Pigeon Laid an Egg
Wave Pool
The song of the last angel of death
The London Underground
Duct Tape: Revised
Come With Me in the Night
Rock in Rain
Train Ride to Linlithgow
God's Country
As I Was Walking in the Park One Day
Climbing Archer's Seat
It Rhymed in My Sleep
A Series of Puns: Father daughter day
How to Drive a Sibling Mad
I'm Going Away to Scotland
Newspaper Reporter: university seminar
A Trip to the Mall: Stolen Identity and new shoes
The Hobo Steak Song
Obsevations... On Spring Snowstorms
Observations... On the Renewal of Spring and Spring Cleaning
Observations... On What the Snow Left Behind
Dear Lord
Observations... On the Amusements of a Cat
Soldier of Slime
The Tale of Tink and Link
The Monster
The Weather Today
Fish Soup
Mythological Creatures: The NotMees
The Tale of Fairy House
The Tale of Jingle and Jangle
The Tale of Brownie Sprite
An Attempted Iambic Pentameter
A Father
The Cat and the Cardinal
A Really Cheesy Poem
Cheap Jeep
The Tale of Tok and Lok
Ode to a Rest Stop
Depressing Lunch
It Happened One Night in Winton
Hannah and Joe
Two Mosquitoes in the Night
The Inchworm and the Cantaloupe
The Greatest Book Ever Written
You're an Animal: A worm's advice
My Philosophy
Pep Talk Grab-Bag: The Parrot's Last Words
If Wishes Were Fishes
Duct Tape: 1 of 2 things in life you should never be without
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